Navigation: Welcome to DigiElch! > CPS-Simulation Document Tab-Window: Experiments |
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•Command: Edit/Modify •Tools Command: Simulated Background Correction In the simplest case the background current is simulated using a constant Ru (Ohm) and Cdl (F) value. . •Tools Command: Smooth Curve
•Command: Exclude •Command: Unmark Active Curve •Command: Unmark All Curves •Command: Remove Ringing
•Command: Circles •Command: Filled Circles •Command: Min/Max Info •Command: Plot Graph •Command: Compute •Command: Next Scan Segment |
•Clipboard Command: Copy •Clipboard Command: Cut •Clipboard Command: Paste •RAM-Disk Command: Import •File Command: Import •File Command: Import File (*.txt;*.dat;*.dta) •RAM_Disk Command: RAM-Disk •RAM-Disk Command: Export •RAM-Disk Command: Export all Experiments to RAM-Disk •File Command: Export •Export the active simulation as txt-file. Depending on the selected Option: Plot (see below) the export works analogously as described for CV-, CA- or SW-simulations. •File Command: Export all Experiments Note that the use-file format is not supported for CPS-simulations/experiments because (int the way implemented by DigiElch) there is no other manufacturer of electrochemical hardware providing support for this type of experiments.Transferring CPS-simulations/experiments from DigiElch to DigiElch can be more easily accomplished in the form of DigiElch-Prroject/ Document files or RAM-Disk files. |
•Command: Next •Command: Previous •Command: Delete Active Experiment •Command: Delete All Experiments
•Command: Zoom •Command: Unzoom •Command: Refresh Screen
•Command: Add/Subtract
oLast Scan oCV-Scans oCA-Scans oSW-Scans
The usage and functionality of the Ribbon Bar Commands is similar as shown in the video clips referring to a CV-Simulation Document. |