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The commands Export and Export all Simulations open a standard Windows File dialog box for specifying the path and the name of the file to which the data are exported. The first command exports only the active simulation while the second command starts a loop that enables the user to export all simulations involved in the active simulation document file by file.  Two export filters are available:


Export Filter: User Format (*.use)

Both the simulated current curve and the simulation parameters (electrode geometry and area, species concentration etc.) will be exported in use-format.


Description of the use-file format:


experimental parameters:

key_word_1: Value_1

key_word_2: Value_2


species parameters:

[name of species_1] (M/l): Canal_1

[name of species_2] (M/l): Canal_2



experimental CA-data:
number of t (s), I (A) couples: N

T_1 , I_1

T_2 , I_2



T_N , I_N

source program: DigiElch for Windows
program version: 3.0
file type: CA

okey_word_i and Value_i
key word and value referring to the i-th parameter. The value must be in point-format and separated from the key word by a colon. The key words are the same as the parameter names used on the Property Page: Simulation Parameters. For example,
Pre-Equilibrium: enabled
Diffusion: Semi-Infinite 1D
Geometry: Planar
Area (cm²): 0.05
Ru (Ohm): 0
Cdl (F): 0
Temp. (K): 298.2
C1 (F/V): 0
C2 (F/V²): 0
C3 (F/V³): 0
C4 (F/V²V²): 0
Potential steps (V): 0.001
Estart (V):-0.75
Segment: 1
Eend (V): -1.55
time (s): 1
Segment: 2
Eend (V): -0.75
time (s): 0.5

oname of species_i and Canal_i
the name of the i-th species in brackets and the analytical concentration in point-format. For example
[NiL] (M/l): 0.001
[NiL-] (M/l): 0
[DP] (M/l): 0.1
[NiLDP] (M/l): 0
[NiLDP-] (M/l): 0

the number of data couples

oT_i and I_i
numbers representing the i-th Time-Current-couple separated by comma.


Export Filter: E-I-Couples (*.txt)

Only the simulated current curve but not the simulation parameters (electrode geometry and area, species concentration etc.) will be exported in the following form:

simulated data:
number of t (s), I (A) couples: N

T_1 separator I_1
T_2 separator I_2



T_N separator I_N


the number of data couples

oT_i and I_i
numbers representing the i-th Time-Current-couple

one of the following characters: 'Space', 'Tab', 'Comma' or 'Semicolon'

Numbers can be formatted using either point or comma. The formatting of numbers and type the separator can be specified under  Export Data (*.txt) on the Properties window.


tipbulbNote that data are always exported in classical current convention (i.e. cathodic current is positive).