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Video Clips

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Video Clips Overview

tipbulbPlaying the video clips requires that Adobe Flash Player 7 (or higher) is installed on your computer!

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Getting Started


Customizing the File Toolbar

Commands in the Tab Windows of the Ribbon Bar

Commands in the Tab Help of the Ribbon Bar

Changing the background color of the Client Area

Opening an experimental Document when the potentiostat is not connected to the computer

Opening an existing DigiElch 7 - Project (*.dep) File

Loading an existing "old-style" DigiElch 6 Document File

Saving  a DigiElch 7 Document File

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Running a Simulation


Defining and modifying a mechanism

Modifying simulation parameters

Running a simulation

Clipboard commands: Copy, Paste

Display commands: Zoom, Unzoom, Refresh Screen, Next, Previous

Commands: Edit, Duplicate, Run, Circles, Filled Circles, Min/Max Info, Next Scan Segment

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Properties-Window


Customizing the Options provided in the Properties-Window

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Viewing simulated Concentration Profiles


Showing concentration profiles for a completed simulation

Running the Adaptive Grid Simulator to get smooth concentration profiles

Adjusting the speed with which the concentration profiles are drawn

Setting a break-point to pause the drawing of the concentration profiles at a predefined potential

Exporting concentration profiles referring to the potential value where the simulation was paused

Exporting surface concentration simulated before the simulation was paused

Changing the default color with which the concentration profile is plotted

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Viewing simulated Surface Concentrations or Surface Coverage


Showing surface concentrations profiles for a completed simulation

Adjusting the speed with which the surface concentrations are drawn

Setting a break-point to pause the drawing of the surface concentrations at a predefined potential

Exporting surface concentrations referring to the potential value where the simulation was paused

Changing the default color with which the surface concentration of a particular species is plotted

Selecting the distance from the center of the electrode for which the surface concentrations are drawn in the case of a 2D-simulation (disc or band electrode)

Running a simulation for a charge transfer reaction comprising species involved in an adsorption equilibrium

Viewing the simulated surface coverage and watching how the latter is changing for the individual species in the course of the simulation

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Data Fitting Part 1


Creating and Running a Data Fitting Project having the experimental CVs stored in use-file format.

Import of use-files

Defining mechanism and starting parameters

Selecting parameters for being optimized by the fitting procedure

Running the fitting procedure

Viewing info such as standard deviation and the currently used parameter set while fitting procedure is running

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Data Fitting Part 2


Creating and Running a Data Fitting Project having the experimental CVs stored in a third-party ASCII-file format (txt, dat, etc.).

Defining a template mechanism used for importing the experimental data

Customizing the import filter with respect to the structure of the ASCII files which are to be imported

Importing experimental target curves

Modifying parameters which are not imported from the ASCII files or which are different from those in the template mechanism

Defining the final mechanism and the starting parameters

Selecting parameters for being optimized by the fitting procedure

Running fitting procedure

Viewing info such as standard deviation and the currently used parameter set while fitting procedure is running

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Data Fitting Part 3


Creating and Running a Data Fitting Project using simulated CVs as target curves.

The scenario shown in the video clip is the following one:

oSimulated CV are used to mimic real experimental CVs  for a simple charge-transfer mechanism measured at a disk electrode of 1 mm diameter without IR-compensation. The uncompensated ohmic resistance is assumed to be Ru = 300 Ohm.

oThe simulated CVs are used then as target curves in a data fitting project but the experimental parameters associated with each curve were modified in such a way that the curves pretend to refer to experiments not containing any IR-drop.

oIt is investigated then which combination of CT-parameters and diffusion coefficient is found by the fitting procedure to compensate the neglected IR-drop in the best possible way.

oIn the next step the experimental parameters associated with each curve are modified in such a way that the fitting procedure is going to approximate a "real" (two-dimensional) disk electrode by a equally-sized planar electrode for which only the diffusion perpendicular to the electrode surface is taken into account. (Such an approximation might be necessary in the case of complex mechanisms comprising several second-order chemical reactions where 2D-simulations can become very time consuming.)

oThe parameter errors effected by such an approximation are investigated again.

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Running FT-CV Simulations and FT-CV Data Fitting


Running a series of FT-CV simulations for an EC-mechanism

Changing the plotting options

Exporting the FT-CV simulations to the RAM-Disk

Re-Importing the FT-CVs to use them as target curves in a Data Fitting Project

Defining the starting parameters for the fitting procedure and selecting the parameters to be optimized

Run data fitting by fitting the total AC + DC current

Rerun data fitting by fitting the second harmonic AC current component

Rerun data fitting by fitting the envelope of the third harmonic AC current component

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Running an Impedance-Simulation


Running a (multi-sine) impedance simulation for a second-order catalytic mechanism

Run a second simulation using a different frequency range

Activate next or previous simulation

Modify options for displaying impedance data

Modify the default impedance signal by using a multi-sine composed of less than 15 frequency components

Plot Plot ZI vs. ZR, Plot Z vs. 1/sqrt(ω) or Plot cot(ϕ) vs. sqrt(ω)

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Fitting Experimental Impedance Data


Creating and Running a Data Fitting Project having the experimental impedance data stored in use-file format.

Import of use-files

Defining mechanism and starting parameters

Selecting parameters for being optimized by the fitting procedure

Running the fitting procedure

Viewing the optimized parameters

Fitting ZR vs. ZI instead of ZI and ZR vs. ω-1/2

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Running CV-Experiments Part 1


Running a CV experiment without IR-compensation

Running a CV experiment with automated or user-defined IR-compensated

Commands: Edit, Copy, Paste, Duplicate

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Running CV-Experiments Part 2


Continuation of the experiments shown in Part 1

Running a series of CV experiments using different scan rates

Optimizing noise and dynamic properties of the potentiostat by modifying the CA-Speed, IE-Stability and C-Bypass Stability settings

Conducting a CV experiment by doing an certain number of accumulations.

<%EXTOGGLE%>Video: Running CV-Experiments Part 3


Continuation of the experiments shown in Part 1 and 2.

Performing background correction for the experimental CVs measured in Part 2

Evaluating the background-corrected CVs by Data Fitting

Showing a comparison of simulated and experimental CVs on the Tabbed Window: Compare Curves