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•Command: Edit •Command: Run •Command: Measure IR-Drop & Run •Command: Run Accumulations •Command: IR-Drop •Command: Experimental Background Correction •Command: Simulated Background Correction In the simplest case the background current is simulated using the constant Ru (Ohm) and Cdl (F) value determined experimentally.
•Command: Circles •Command: Filled Circles •Command: Min/Max Info •Command: Plot Graph •Command: Compute •Command: Next Scan Segment •Command: Exclude •Command: Unmark Active Curve •Command: Unmark All Curves •Command: Remove Ringing |
•Clipboard Command: Copy •Clipboard Command: Cut •Clipboard Command: Paste •RAM_Disk Command: RAM-Disk •RAM-Disk Command: Export •RAM-Disk Command: Export all Experiments to RAM-Disk •File Command: Export •File Command: Export all Experiments Note that the export of data in use-format is only available when selecting the Option: Plot AC+DC. The export of the remaining current components can be done only as txt-file by selecting the desired plotting option before exporting the data. |
•Command: Next •Command: Previous •Command: Delete Active Experiment •Command: Delete All Experiments •Command: Zoom •Command: Unzoom •Command: Refresh Screen •Command: Rearrange Display Order •Command: Filter Setting •Option: Plot oAC + DC oDC oAC o1. Harmonic o2. Harmonic o3. Harmonic o4. Harmonic oUser Defined o1. Harmonic Envelope o2. Harmonic Envelope o3. Harmonic Envelope o4. Harmonic Envelope oUser Defined Envelope oAC-Signal
•Check Box: Apply to all Simulations |
•Command: Connect |
Summary: Play Video
Using DigiElch for conducting electrochemical Measurements. Part I.
The measurements shown in this video clip were conducted on mercury drops generated by the Controlled Growth Mercury Electrode (BASi).
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The following Topics demonstrated for CV-Experiments are shown in another video clip:
•Continuation of the experiments shown in Part I
•Run a series of CV-Experiments using different scan rates
•Apply Background Correction by subtracting the experimentally measured background current
•Use background-corrected CVs directly for Data Fitting