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FT-Experiment Document

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The functionality and usage of the following Tab-Windows

Tab-Window: Simulations

Tab-Window: C-Profiles

Tab-Window: Surface Concentrations

Tab-Window: Data Fitting

Tab-Window: ChiĀ²-Tests

Tab-Window: Compare Curves

Tab-Window: Plot Graph

Tab-Window: Comments

is the same as described for the FT-Simulation Document. Only the Tab-Window: Experiments is replaced by the Tab-Window: GAMRY Experiments.  While the first one enables the user to import experimental FT-CV-voltammograms in ASCII-file format (for using the imported FT-CVs in a Data Fitting Project) the second one is designed for conducting FT-CV experiments directly from within DigiElch on condition that

1.a potentiostat from GAMRY-Instruments (Warminster, USA) is connected to the computer running DigiElch

2.the modules supporting the potentiostat are activated in your DigiElch license.

Note that the tab of the Tab-Window is changed from GAMRY Experiments to Potentiostat_Name Experiments as soon as the potentiostat is connected to DigiElch. Currently potentiostats referring to the Potentiostat_Name


Reference 600

Reference 600 Plus

Interface 1000


are supported by DigiElch.


tipbulbThe experimental FT-CVs measured in the Tab-Window: Potentiostat_Name Experiments can be directly used in a data fitting project. There is, however, one important difference: The parameters associated with the experiments imported into the Tab-Window: Experiments can be freely modified (without destroying the current curve) by means of the Edit/Modify command while the Edit command on the Tab-Window: Potentiostat_Name Experiments may destroy the measured current curve if Scan Parameters or Instrumental Parameters are modified.