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This command opens a SW-Property Dialog consisting of 3 property pages:
The Property Page: Chemical Reactions works as previously described for the CV-Simulation Document. |
The Property Page: Surface Reactions works as previously described for the CV-Simulation Document. |
A value of Cdl (F) written in magenta indicates that a time/potential dependent double layer capacity has been entered by the user. The polynomial coefficients describing the dependence of the double layer capacity as function of the electrode potential can be edited by clicking with the right mouse button while the cursor is localized over the input field associated with Cdl (F).
The following parameter groups •Geometry •Diffusion •Pre-Equilibrium •Simulation Name •Experimental Conditions •Model Parameters •2D-Simulation •FEM-Simulation work exactly in the same way as already described for cyclic voltammetry. The meaning and functionality of the Scan Parameters is as follows: |
1. Scan Parameters:•Scan segment, Estart (V), Eend (V), f(Hz)
Examples 3: (3 scan segments are executed )
Estart - values plotted on a grey background are automatically filled in. They are "read only" and cannot be edited/modified. This ensures a "smooth scan" where the starting potential of a scan is always equal to the end potential of the previous scan. •Check Box: use the same value of f(Hz) in each scan segment •Check Box: apply background correction •Esw (V), dEs (V) Figure 1
•Time steps/SW-halfcylce Removing scan segments:
Relationship to OSWV (Osteryoung Square Wave Voltammetry)
In the case of OSWV the height of the difference peak current for a reversible charge-transfer can be expressed by the following equation where ψp has been tabulated in a paper by Osteryoung and O’Dea (J. Electroanal. Chem. 14, 209 (1986)) as function of the OSWV parameters ΔEs and ΔEp, respectively. The relation between these parameters and those used by DigiElch is as follows: ΔEs = dEs ΔEp = ½ Esw tp = 1/(2*f)