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This command opens a Windows File dialog box. The current curve(s) involved in the selected ASCII-file(s) will be merged to the existing ones when setting the Option: Import Data in the Property-Window correspondingly. Otherwise, all simulation objects will be removed from the active document before importing the selected file(s).
Full use-formatthe full use-format contains the current curve and a full description of the experimental parameters. The latter must be written to the file in exactly the same form as on the Property Page: Simulation Parameters: DigiElch_FT_Header experimental parameters: key_word_1: Value_1 key_word_2: Value_2 . . filter settings: fmin_1: fmin_value_1 , fmax_1: fmax_value_1 fmin_2: fmin_value_2 , fmax_2: fmax_value_2 fmin_3: fmin_value_3 , fmax_3: fmax_value_3 fmin_4: fmin_value_4 , fmax_4: fmax_value_4 fmin_5: fmin_value_5 , fmax_5: fmax_value_5 fmin_6: fmin_value_6 , fmax_6: fmax_value_6 fmin_7: fmin_value_7 , fmax_7: fmax_value_7 . . [name of species_1] (M/l): Canal_1 [name of species_2] (M/l): Canal_2 . . experimental FT-data: number of S (V), E (V), I (A) triples: N S_1, E_1 , I_1 S_2, E_2 , I_2 . . S_N, E_N , I_N •DigiElch_FT_Header: •key_word_i and Value_i Pre-Equilibrium: enabled Diffusion: Semi-Infinite 1D Geometry: Spherical (Hg) Mass (mg): 4.95 Ru (Ohm): 0 Cdl (F): 0 Temp. (K): 298.2 C1 (F/V): 0 C2 (F/V²): 0 C3 (F/V³): 0 C4 (F/V²V²): 0 dEac (V): 0.03 f (Hz): 71.4286 AC-Cycles): 100 Phase Angle: 0 dEdc (V): 8.54492e-005 log2(Data Points): 14 simulated background correction (1 = true, 0 = false): 0 Estart (V):-0.7 Segment: 1 Eend (V): -1.4 v (V/s): 1 Segment: 2 Eend (V): -0.7 v (V/s): 1 •name of species_i and Canal_i •fmin_value_i, fmax_value_i •N •S_i, E_i and I_i
Minimum use-formatData measured with third-party electrochemical instruments are usually exported in file formats which differ from instrument to instrument. The minimum use-format enables the user to produce an importable use-file with a minimum of effort provided the experimental data files satisfy the following prerequisites: •The experimental current curve is available in ASCII-format. •The current points refer to equal time steps. Only small deviations from equally spaced time intervals do not matter.
The minimum use-format is as follows: DigiElch_SW_Header number of E (V), I1 (A) | I2 (A) couples : N E1_1 , I1_1 E2_1 , I2_1 E1_2 , I1_2 E2_2 , I2_2 . . E1_N , I1_N E2_N , I2_N
•E1_i and I1_i •E2_i and I2_i
The import of FT-voltammetric curves stored in third-party ASCII-files is currently not supported by DigiElch |