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A free upgrade to DigiElch 8 is available for all DigiElch 7 users.
Note, however, that DigiElch 8 requires Windows 7/8/10. Users still working with Windows Vista or Windows XP have to stay with DigiElch 7!
The following steps must be executed to get the free upgrade:
1.Start the most recent build of DigiElch 7 and make sure to be connected to the Internet!
2.Activate the RibbonBar - Tab "Help" and click on "Program Update". You will be asked whether you want to download and install a free upgrade to DigiElch 8.
If you are not yet working with the most recent build of DigiElch you have to download and install this build first. The latter is accomplished in exactly the same way as described in step 1 and 2 with the only exception that you will be offered in step 2 to download and install the last build of DigiElch 7.
Note that the installation of DigiElch 8 does not affect your DigiElch 7 installation! Both programs can be used alternatively but we would strongly recommend to switch to DigiElch 8 as soon as the user made familiar with the new features of the program.
The user should be aware that DigiElch 8 is able to open DigiElch-Project (*.dep) files created with DigiElch 7. Note, however, that dep-files created by DigiElch 8 cannot be opened with DigiElch 7.
The following links are provided to visit the web help for DigiElch 7 and DigiElch 8, respectively: