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DigiElch8 Help

This command opens a Windows File dialog box providing the following export filter:


Export Filter: Chi²-Data (*.txt)

The Chi²-Data determined for the selected parameter will be exported in the following form:


source program: DigiElch for Windows
program version: 3.0
file type: Chi2-Test


P_1 separator S_1
P_2 separator S_2
P_N separator S_N

number of lg(P/Popt), S/Smin - couples:: N

oP_i is an abbreviation for  lg10(Pi/Popt)

oS_i ia an abbreviation for Si/Smin

one of the following characters: 'Space', 'Tab', 'Comma' or 'Semicolon'

overall number time/potential steps used in the simulation.


tipbulbNumbers can be formatted using either point or comma. The formatting of numbers and type the separator can be specified under  Export Data (*.txt) on the Properties window.