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<%EXTOGGLE%>Info Topics and Options

Option: Data Fitting

Use AG-Simulator
Controls whether the adaptive grid simulator or the (default) fixed grid simulator is used b y the fitting procedure.

Apply Current Normalization
Controls whether the standard deviation is computed directly from the current values or whether the current is normalized with respect to the maximum value of the absolute current before computing the standard deviation.

Max. Number of Iterations
Controls the maximal number of iterations (iterative parameter improvements) executed by the fitting procedure.

Exit if |dS|/S smaller than
Controls the relative change of the standard deviation, S, which is used as a criterion for breaking the data fitting process. The iterative parameter improvement is terminated if the relative change of the standard deviation in two successive iterations, |dS|, remains smaller than the value entered in the associated input field.

Save Optimized Parameters
Controls whether the results referring to the optimized parameter set are saved in a file named Optimal.ext where ext is the file extension of the simulation document (method):


Document type

file extension






















Opens dialog box for specifying the path where the optimized parameter file is saved.

Info: Last Data File

File Name
The file name containing the last experimental current curve used by the fitting procedure.

Standard Deviation
The standard deviation, S,  between simulated and experimental current curve referring to the last data file.


Info: All Data Files

Completed Iterations
The number of iterations executed so far by the fitting procedure.

S (Last Iteration)
The standard deviation between simulation and experiment referring to all current curves shown in the Tabbed Window: Experiments.

S (Minimum Value)
The minimum standard deviation obtained so far. Normally, the standard deviation should smoothly converge to the minimum value so that S (Minimum Value) equals S (Last Iteration) for each iteration. However, sometimes only a flat local minimum is found and the fitting procedure may even run away from such a minimum so that S (Last Iteration) becomes larger than S (Minimum Value) after a certain number of iterations.

Smin found in Iteration
The iteration number in which the minimum standard deviation, S (Minimum Value), was obtained so far.

Info: Optimized Parameters

A combo box that can be used for selecting a particular parameter from the list of parameters optimized by the fitting procedure.

Optimized Value
The optimized value of the selected parameter.

Upper Limit
The estimated upper limit for the selected parameter.

Lower Limit
The estimated lower limit for the selected parameter.

Confidence Level
The confidence level used for estimating the upper and lower limit.

Option: Displaying Impedance Data

Controls whether the current curves of all simulations or only that of the active simulation are shown.

Use Thick Pen
Controls whether a thick or the default pen is used for drawing the current curve(s).

Connect Circles by Line
Controls whether the impedance data points (referring to the individual frequency components) are connected by line segments.

Option: Labels

Option for customizing the label on the x-axis.

Option for customizing the label on the y-axis.

Option: Colors

Option for customizing the color of the background on which the current curve is plotted.

Active Curve
Option for customizing the color with which the current curve of the active simulation is plotted.

Inactive Curve
Option for customizing the color with which the current curves of the inactive simulations are plotted.

Inactive Segments
Option for customizing the color with which the inactive segments of the active current curve are plotted.

Option for customizing the color with which the min-max-info and some other text is plotted.

Option for customizing the color with which the axes are labeled.

Option: Font

Screen Font
Option for customizing the font used for plotting min/max-info and for labeling the axes on the screen display.

Printer Font
Option for customizing the font used for printing min/max-info and for labeling the axes.

Option: Export Data (*.txt)

Number Format
Controls whether numbers are exported to txt-files in comma (1,234) or point (1.234) format.

Option for selecting the separator used when exporting data to txt-files.

Option: Export to RAM-Disk

RAM-Disk Directory
The directory of the RAM-Disk to which the use-files are exported.

Option: emf-Files

Save Black and White
Controls whether the image of the screen display is saved as Extended Meta File in the original screen colors or in "black on white".


tipbulbModified Options will be saved in the Windows Registry and restored when restarting the program.

Option: Data Fitting

Info: Last Data File

Info: All Data Files

Info: Optimized Parameters

Watch video clip to see how the info and options given in these topics work. Some impedance specific topics are shown in another video clip.